21 March 2010

Day 210!

Ciao! A lot has happened since I last posted. Makes sense, I guess, seeing as it has been over a month! How is it already March 21st?! I am so happy it is finally spring, though:) It's supposed to be 75 degrees here on Thursday!!! I hope the forecast is right.
For those of you who don't know, I went home for my brother's wedding from the 4th to the 14th of March. It was so good to be home and to see all of my family. Two international flights within two weeks of each other combined with major sleep deprivation due to wedding festivites left me pretty wiped out, and I feel like I have just beent trying to get back in the swing of classes and life in Bologna since I got back. So not a whole lot of new exciting stuff going on...
One new thing though is that my roommates and I moved apartments! It worked out that they moved while I was gone, which was kind of nice for me because they moved all my stuff for me:) although it was a bit disorienting to get back to Bologna and be in a new apartment! We now live a lot closer to the University but farther from the BCSP office, on Via Delle Belle Arti (Beautiful Art Street haha). I have my own room in the new place, which has been really nice. I'm still trying to get everything unpacked and settled! I will post pix as soon as I feel like it's ready to show off:)