07 November 2009

Day 76!

Ciao! I can't believe it's been almost another whole week since I last blogged! The days are just flying by. Not much really to tell about this week. I've just been going to class and do school work pretty much. I have midterms for both of my BCSP classes next week, grammar is on Tuesday and cinema is on Thursday. So I've spent most of yesterday and today studying for those. Alex and I went to the Sala Borsa, the public library, to study yesterday. It's so big and beautiful. I felt super productive and focused, so I think I will make going there to study a habit!
Wednesday night Erin, Allegra, Alex, and I went to the Irish Pub to get hamburgers since everyone was craving American food! I guess Wednesdays are big soccer nights here. The place was packed with people to watch the game. I didn't stay for the whole game, but Erin and Allegra did, and they said things got a little crazy a times!
Last night Anne, Alex, and I went to Ristoro delle Fate on Via Zamboni for drinks. It's a really cool restaurant/bar and has a great atmosphere. It was an early night though, nothing crazy!
Tomorrow I think I am going to go to mass in the morning and then go to this gym I found to join it so I can get back in shape! It's a little far away from my place, but it is a lot cheaper than the other closer gyms. I am looking forward to working out again. I have the time for it, and I will feel so much better when I have some physical activity again. It has been far to cold for me to run this week, and I feel so lazy! Other than that, I will be studying all day tomorrow. My Unibo class has been cancelled for this week, which is wonderful timing for me. Now I only have class on Tuesday and Thursday this week, so I can spend all of Monday and Wednesday studying for my exams! Not too fun, but very helpful.
I'll try to blog sometime in the middle of the week this week for once!


  1. Hello Clare. I need to catch up on your blogs. We had great family time at the Elsner's farm last weekend for Dad's and Rose's birthdays. I'll try to send you some video. When does your academic program end next summer? I know some folks are looking at going there to visit before you return to the US. Please email me at stephenelsner@comcast.net.

    Uncle Steve

  2. To:Clare
    Have a happy Thanksgiving Day Clare.
    From: Elliott Elsner

  3. hey clara it's adam. have a happy thanksgiving and have a great time in italy
