28 November 2009

Day 97!

I'm still here! I apologize for not posting in over 20 days! Totally unacceptable how fast time goes by here. So much has happened since my last post. The week of the 9th was midterms for me, so I did nothing but study for those. I did pretty well on my grammar midterm and got 100% on my test for my cinema class! I was so surprised.
We went to Padova as a big group on Friday the 13th. I missed the first train with everyone because my alarm didn't go off, then missed ANOTHER one, not really sure how! But I finally made it there around 1. We wandered around the city, had a tour of the university there, and saw Giotto's frescoes. Padova is a really cute city.
Nothing too exciting the next week, just class and homework, the usual.
The weekend of the 2oth, Erin, Rodolfo, and I went to Barcelona! What a beautiful, fun city! It was a really fun weekend. We flew out on Friday afternoon, arrived in the evening. We settled into our hostel and went out for dinner, walking around the Ramblas and just experiencing Barcelona. Saturday we got up and walked to Gaudi's Sagrada Familia--SO AMAZING! We took a tour bus around the city for most of the day, stopping at places we wanted to see: Gaudi's Park Guell and Casa Batllo and the Picasso Museum. We got to see so much of the city from the bus, too. We saw the sight of the 1992 Olympics, the ports on the Mediterranean, beautiful views of Barcelona. Really a beautiful place and a wonderful day. Sunday we had to check out of the hostel and make it back to the airport, but we all agreed that we have to return sometime this year!
Once again, just class and homework this week. Our program provided a lovely Thanksgiving dinner for us on Thursday, so that was fun (and delicious!). I can't believe it's almost December! Time has really flown by!
Be sure to check out the pix of Padova and Barcelona!

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