20 January 2010

Day 150!

150 days!!!! Wow. Sorry I haven't been around (again...). I've been super busy with the new kids being here, writing a paper for my cinema class, and attempting to study for my literature exam. There are I think 24 new kids here for this semester. It's so overwhelming to be around them, because we only had 16 in our batch. We had a welcome dinner last week and a pizza party with the program. It's fun to meet them and to think about how much more I know about Bologna than they do right now! haha.
I've been really stressed out other than that. This paper is almost done, I just need one of my Italian roommates to proofread it because my Italian grammar is definitely not perfect. And I am so nervous for my oral exam for literature! I have been trying to study, but there is just so much material! I have pretty much accepted the fact that I am not going to do well, I just want this semester to be OVER so I can get a fresh start on the next one.
Next semester I will be taking art history, history of the italian language, and philosophy of religion. The classes sound interesting, but hard. One class starts Feb 3rd, one Feb 9th, and the last on Mar 1st. I was looking forward to having a week or so between my exam and my first class to be able to just chill, but unfortunately it seems that I will be house hunting then. My roommates and I found out yesterday that we have to move out within the next two months. It's a long, uninteresting story, but basically there is an issue with the way we wanted to do the contract, so our landlady is kicking us out. I'm pretty upset about it because I love where I live and who I live with. Mariella found an apartment that is SO close to me now because we wanted to live close, but I am afriad I won't be able to find anything so close this next time. The one good thing is that I'm not really on my own because all four of us are getting kicked out, so we are trying to find an entire apartment for all of us to just stick together. We are looking at a place at 5 today, so I hope it works out. Pray for me!

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