27 January 2010

Day 157!

Ciao! I am FINALLY done with my first semester! I had my oral exam for my class at the University of Bologna (contemporary Italian literature) on Monday. It feels soooo good to have that out of the way. I was really nervous beforehand, and I think that may have affected my Italian. It seems like I always forget how to talk when I'm under pressure. I got a 24 out of 30, which is equivalent to a C+. Not a great grade, but I honestly don't even care! I just needed to get the exam out of the way and finish this semester. Now I have a little bit of free time. One of my classes for next semester starts February 3, a week from today. It's really cold and snowy here. It snowed all day yesterday, and all of it stuck. Makes me just want to stay curled up inside all day!

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