02 February 2010

Day 163!

Heyyy! I start class again tomorrow:( I have really enjoyed having the past few days with NOTHING to do!!! My friend Alyssa from IU came and stayed with me last weekend. She is studying in Florence this semester, so hopefully we will get to see a lot more of each other before the year is out! We have had more snow this weekend! It's so pretty when it's falling, but I really am OVER the winter, ready for spring to come along. We found a place to move that is not too far away from where we live now. It's on Via Delle Belle Arti, it's kinda old and really dirty right now, but I will get to have my own room there so that will be nice I guess. We are planning on being moved in by the beginning of March. I finally took pictures of my apartment where I have been living for the past five months! Check out the pix on Facebook!

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