21 April 2010

Day 241!

Ciao! I'm trying to be better about keeping my blog updated again, like I was at the beginning of the year. We will see how it goes haha. Today has been an absolutely beautiful day here in Bologna! The high temperature was 76 degrees! I got up and went to the gym with Mariella in the morning, then I spent the afternoon in Giardini Margherita enjoying the sunshine and reading for my class. I really miss my huge terrace at my old apartment because I would have been laying out all day today! When I was leaving the Giardini, there was this whole gaggle of little Italian children at the outdoor gelateria in the Giardini. The adults had pushed all but one of the little round tables together into a big line, and there were maybe 25 little kids all sitting around them eating their gelatos, looking so happy and contented. It was the cutest thing, and it put me in an even better mood! Little children speaking Italian is so funny because they speak it better than I do! haha

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