09 May 2010

Day 259!

The last couple weeks have just been a blur of class notes and textbooks and flashcards! I have been studying pretty much non-stop for my exams. My Italian Art History class is finally over, at least! The written exam for that class was May 3rd, and the oral exam was May 5th. I got a 30 (A+)! I studied soooo much for it, and it was worth it. Unfortunately, that was the easiest of my three classes by faaaar.
I still have had a little bit of time for fun with friends, though. Nic, Rodolfo, Mariella, and I had a little Cinco de Mayo/done with art history celebration Wednesday night, which was really fun. Thursday was my LAST UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA CLASS EVER! haha Now I just have to keep studying soooo hard for my last two exams.
Thursday evening after class, I got to be in a music video made by my friend Sky Dylan-Robbins, one of the other full-year BCSP students. It was so fun, there was just a big group of us kids dancing around in Piazza Maggiore (the main square in Bologna) and on the Neptune Fountain. We all had our iPods with our own music going, so to everyone else we just looked crazy! We gathered quite a crowd, and right after we finished, a police car even came crawling by, and they told us not to do it again! Yikes! But Sky was done filming anyway, so everything was fine haha.
Then yesterday, I got filmed again for the show House Hunters International on HGTV. Professor Ricci and his wife are going to be on it, and they wanted some shots of Professor Ricci "doing his job" aka pretending to talk to students about their classes haha. Anyway, Professor Ricci called Nic and me and asked us to help out, which of course I did gladly haha. I am not sure when the episode will air, or how much I will even be in it, but I will try to keep you updated. It's not much, but still kind of exciting haha.
Well, I have a big day of studying ahead of me, and I want to get to the gym before I start in on the books, so I better go!
P.S. Here is a link to the music video. It turned out so well! Sky is really talented.

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