08 October 2009

Day 46!

I am done with my first week of classes! Well, my first week of one of my classes anyway. My University of Bologna class, Contemporary Italian Literature, started on Monday. My classes through BCSP don't start until next week. So I had class Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 3-5. My class is a huge lecture of literally hundreds of students. This week, I had some trouble understanding everything my professor said. He talks really fast, and I'm not altogether familiar with literary terms anyway. But every day has been a little bit better, and I borrowed this week's notes from an Italian girl, so hopefully looking over those will increase my comprehension. Today I am staying in and copying notes and reading the novel we have been talking about, Conversazione in Sicilia by Elio Vittorini. I really want to try to stay ahead of the game since I'm working with such a severe language handicap. I think I will like the class, though, once I understand more. And apparently our professor is really funny; there have been a few times that he says something and everyone cracks up. Of course, I didn't catch the joke, but at least I know he has a sense of humor, haha right? The other thing is, I know he is really good about helping foreign students, so I can always go to him for help if I really need it.
I have started running and working out again! I have gotten up and ran three times so far this week. I like getting out at about 7 am because there are less people to run around on the sidewalks. Also the morning air here is so nice, and both the sun and moon are in the sky. I have been running across to Via Zamboni (the one that most of the university buildings are on) down to Via Castiglione to the Giardina Margherita. I really love the garden. It's still so green, fall really hasn't settled in here yet. There are quite a few regular runners I have started recognizing in the garden. Working out more means I can eat more gelato, right? Haha.
Rodolfo, Rob, Alexandra, Erin, Alex, Allegra, Anne, Michelle, two of Maria's housemates, and I all had a little birthday party for Maria on Monday. She just turned 20! I feel old. We made pasta with a tomato and mushroom sauce, salad, cake, and gelato. There were too many of us to eat in the kitchen, so we all feasted sitting on the floor of Maria's bedroom. It was really fun, and I think Maria really enjoyed herself.
Anne and I went out to Swine Bar (right next to my place) and Cafe Zamboni last night to sample both aperitivos. Swine Bar has this really cool room on the street side of the sidewalk, like and outdoor bar with really comfy couches and little tables. It had such a cool atmosphere! There wasn't a lot of food there, but I think it was better quality than Cafe Zamboni. Cafe Zamboni was packed by the time we got there and was super noisy and crowded. It's pretty well known for its aperitivo, so there are always a lot of people there. There's always a lot of food, too. By the time we left, I think they must have been running out, though, because they literally had set out an entire platter of hot dogs cut up into little pieces. I kid you not. I'm glad we got our food before that! I preferred Swine Bar, and it's really close to my house, so I will probably go there quite a bit. Aperitivo is a really good deal, buy a 6 or 7 euro drink and eat as much as you want! I know I'm going to miss that next year!


  1. I am so happy for you. All my friends are in all these wonderful places making a life for themselves! I loved your postcard so much, I can't believe it came all the way from Italy...

    Live it up, lady. :)

  2. Just catching up on all your posts. Great writing, girl! Sounds like you are soaking up the Italian life. Good for you. We miss you lots!
