15 October 2009

Day 53!

It has started to get COLD here in Bologna! Monday was rainy and gray, but the rest of the week has just been cold (like in the 50s) but sunny. It was so cold last night that I woke up in the middle of the night and had to find another blanket! I've been sleeping in a hooded sweatshirt with the hood up! Haha. I got my winter coats in the mail today, from Mom and Dad--just in the nick of time! I am done with class for the week. My Italian Contemporary Literature class was difficult to follow this week, but I started talking to this really sweet girl, Francesca, who usually sits in the front row with me. I borrowed her notes last weekend, and they really helped my comprehension of the class, so I will probably make that a habit. My Italian grammar and Italian cinema classes both started this week, and I am really enjoying both of them! They are both through BCSP and are structured more like American classes--aka there's regular homework. I don't like that about them, but I'm glad to be back in a regular grammar class because I know I need it! And the cinema class is really interesting. It's taught by Prof. Ricci, the director of our program. We have two lectures a week, two hours each, and we have movie screenings on Thursday. Today we watched Roma Citta Aperta, a very good, but very sad, film. I haven't really done much else this week, just trying to get caught up on all the things I feel like I need to do! My roommates and I had a little conference yesterday (the first time we've all been together!) about how things work in the apartment, bills, rent, spese in comune (olive oil, paper towels, coffee, etc.), things like that. I found out that Giuseppe is moving out! He and Alessandra (his girlfriend) are looking for a place together, and they hope to find one soon. So I will probably have a new roommate soon. Giuseppe and Alessandra are both really nice, but I don't see them much at all, so I'm not too upset by this news, more surprised than anything.
By the way, I have not forgotten about putting up pictures of my apartment! I wanted to wait until I had decorated my side of the room and Flavia had decorated hers. My side is done I think, and it's starting to seem like Flavia won't really be decorating her side, so I will try to get some pictures up soon!
I would like to ask you all to pray for my friend Maria and her family. She went home a couple weekends ago for her grandpa's funeral, and just this week she lost one of her cousins. She has been having a rough time with all this, of course, and I know she and her family could really use some prayers!

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