12 October 2009

Day 50!

I've been here 50 days! I can't believe it.
I had a really nice weekend. I'm feeling more and more settled here, which is definitely a good feeling!
Danielle organized a picnic for some of the BCSP kids on Friday. Alex, Anne, Erin, Maria, Rodolfo, and me. We were supposed to go up to Villa Gighi, a park outside of the city center, but it started raining, so we just ended up going to the BCSP office and eating our food there. Still so fun! Danielle brought her adorable little dog, Lilo, who is afraid of EVERYTHING except Danielle. She also brought a deliciously gooey chocolate cake that was basically fudge, yum! We had several different cheeses, some prosciutto, fruit, bread, gelato, and prosecco. Quite a feast! Maria drew a big sun on the whiteboard, so we still had a picnic-like atmosphere, and we played hangman, in Italian, of course! That night, Erin, Alex, her roommate, & his friends, and I all went to Covo, a club outside of the city center to a Rakes concert. It was SUCH a good show! I had never heard of the Rakes before, but they are a fairly well-known band from London. They kind of reminded me of a combination of the Killers and Franz Ferdinand. They really play a GREAT live show. We were all right up front by the stage, dancing our hearts out, it was so fun! Erin and I met the drummer, both guitar players, and the bassist (everyone except the singer/frontman) after the show. We ended up talking to the drummer and guitar/keyboard player for a couple hours! They were both so nice and funny, not to mention fantastic musicians. It was a really amazing night:)
Saturday Anne, Erin, and I went to Mambo, Bologna's modern art museum. It has some really great pieces, and I was quite impressed with the collection overall. It was a really nice way to spend an afternoon. Erin and I went out to dinner after at a restaurant across the street from Alex's apartment. I had pizza with prosciutto, yummm! Then we went and got a carton of gelato to take to Alex's. Alex, Erin, and Alex's roommate watched Trainspotting and ate gelato. I went home after because I was soo tired! It was fun, though. A nice, relaxing day overall.
Sunday was relaxing as well. I started reading Conversazione in Sicilia, one of the books I need to read for my Contemporary Italian Literature class. It's not too hard to read, but it is still pretty slow going. I went to 6:30 mass at San Martino, down the street from my apartment. I can't wait till I actually know the mass responses in Italian!
Today seems like it's going to be kind of dreary. It rained REALLY hard for about 5 minutes, I think there might have even been some hail.

p.s. pixxx from this weekend.

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