16 December 2009

Day 115!

Ciao tutti!
Nothing really exciting to share today, but I just want to check in because I have been so bad about blogging recently! I have been going to classes and studying this week. I had my last cinema class yesterday and our oral exam is tomorrow. I'm so nervous! I still need to study a lot, but I feel like even if I know all the material, I am still going to get stage fright and forget everything. Why do Italians think that oral exams are a good idea? Because I don't. Oh well, at least this one is with Prof. Ricci, so hopefully I won't get too intimidated talking to him haha. This is also my last week of literature class before we have a break for Christmas. I will still have a weeks worth of classes when we get back and then the exam in late January. I miss the American system where the entire semester is done and over with before Christmas break because now I am going to be spending my break worrying about school! I have the oral exam for literature and a huge paper for cinema due in January. I would rather just get everything over with, but oh well!
I can't wait for Monday when Erin and I leave for our trip! Oh, and Alex is coming now too! It's going to be so fun, I keep thinking about it and then I get so excited that I can't study haha. Speaking of which, I need to get back to, but I'll write again before the break:)

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