30 December 2009

Day 129!

It is our last night in Switzerland, on to Germany early tomorrow morning. We have really enjoyed Interlaken and have just been relaxing and taking it easy for the most part. We got here on Saturday, checked in, and wandered around Interlaken. It's a pretty small little town so it didn't take long to explore it. It was a really beautiful day, and the mountains here are just so glorious! That evening we hung out for a bit at the bar in the lobby of our hostel. Our hostel is this really cool family-run place. The people are super nice and friendly and from all over--South Africa, Australia, everywhere!
Sunday Erin and I slept in then went exploring in the opposite direction, away from town. We went through the next town over, Wilderswil, and up into this tiny little town called Gsteigwiler. Another gorgeous day!
Erin and I were planning on going all the way up into the mountains on Monday to Jungfraujoch, known as "the top of Europe" because it's the highest train station in Europe. There is an ice palace/museum at the top that we really wanted to see, and we were planning on sledding down the mountain on the way back down. However it turns out that our Eurail passes don't cover the train ticket to the top, and we didn't feel like paying the extra 120 Swiss francs, so instead we just took the train to Wengen, a little town about halfway up the mountain. We walked around for a little while, got pastries and hot chocolate, and then came back to the hostel and chilled for the rest of the day.
Yesterday we went to Zurich for the day. We went to the Kunsthaus, this really awsome art museum, then just walked around the downtown area for a little while, then took the train back to Interlaken.
Today we didn't really do much of anything. We are enjoying our last day of the relaxation part of this journey. We walked into downtown Interlaken to get dinner. We had heard that cheese fondue is a famous Swiss dish, so we wanted to get some before we left here. Can't really say I was that impressed, unfortunately. It was kind of weird. But the waiter there gave us an extra scoop of ice cream in the banana split that we split, so all's well that ends well!
We have to get up at like 5 tomorrow to make our train to Berlin...nonstop, 9 hours. Woohoo! I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of 2009!

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