27 August 2009

Day 3!

My legs are swollen from all the walking we did today!
I got up this morning at 7:30 to go running with Sky, a girl in my program, at 8:00. We ran down to the south side of town to the Giardini Margherita, a park just south of the city center. It was really cool to still be in an urban area but to also be in such a green, lush place. I think we were the only female joggers on the streets of Bologna, and we only saw one other girl in the park. It was such a surreal experience!
Maria and I went to the BCSP office later this morning to get started on the big housing search. Calling Italians on the phone is so intimidating! Even with all the misunderstandings, somehow I managed to get my point across to a couple landlords/roommates. Maria and I went to our appointments together today. Strength in numbers! We saw two apartments in the morning and one in the afternoon. They were okay, but neither of us feel like we have found the place for us yet. Tonight I found 6 more numbers to call and emailed 6 people, so hopefully one of those will work!
We went on a bus tour with the whole BCSP group. It was just nice to sit on a bus for an hour! I honestly could not begin to tell you how many miles we walked today! I feel like I'm getting to know the city fairly quickly. Not all the ins and outs, of course, but I can find my way around relatively easily already.
I am getting to know more of the people on our program. I really like all of them, and I really hope we all keep in touch even when we aren't living in the hotel together. I will say more about them later, but I'm too tired to do everyone justice now.
On the way back from our afternoon appointment, which was just inside the city walls, a little too far for either of us, we tried to ride the bus but without success! We couldn't figure out how to buy the ticket once we were on the bus, and then we were supposed to get it stamped or something in another machine, but we were very confused and were getting strange looks from the other passengers, so we got off at the very next stop! Maybe we will try again, but I'm hoping to find an apartment within walking distance so that I never have to take a bus again!
Dinner tonight was at a pizzeria around the corner from our hotel. Erin and I shared caprese di bufala and risotto with vegetables, which were both very good! A wonderful meal out under the night sky of Bologna. A beautiful ending to a very long day.

ps. more pix!

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