24 August 2009

Day One!

It is 10:46 pm here in Bologna, and I am about to pass out! The last two days have been the longest of my life, full of both frustration and excitement. Flying across the Atlantic was a new and really different experience for me. My flight from Detroit to Amsterdam was delayed on the tarmac for about an hour due to technical difficulties. This meant that I literally had to run (in heels) through the Amsterdam airport to just barely catch my flight to Bologna. Thank goodness there was a couple in the same situation. They were my guardian angels on that leg of the journey because I would never have found the gate and gotten through security as quickly if it wasn't for them. I finally arrived in Bologna at about 11:30 this morning and then had to wait around for a while for my luggage. There certainly has been a lot of waiting these past two days, and I have a feeling there will be plenty more to come! I waited again at the airport because I knew one of the girls, Maria, from my program was scheduled to arrive at 12:15, and I told her I would meet her there and we could share a taxi to the Hotel Holiday. Turns out her luggage was put on the wrong flight, so she didn't come out until almost 1:00 (more waiting for me!), but there was also another BCSPer on the flight, Rodolfo. So the three of us split a taxi and finally reached our destination in Bologna! The rest of the day was spent just walking around the city, trying to find our way around and see what there is to see. Bologna is a bit overwhelming, and not just because I don't speak the language that well. Having never lived in a big city before, it is not at all what I expected. Yes, it's quaint and charming in ways, but for some reason the high level of modernity and the general bustle caught me completely off guard. I do like it, but it will definitely take some getting used to! I will feel much better when I have a real place to live, instead of staying in a hotel. Maria, Rodolfo, Rob, and I found an adorable little "fruttivendolo" (produce shop) just around the corner from our hotel. I got the most delicious, fresh plum and apple I have ever eaten! We also figured out the bus system (eventually) in order to get back to the airport to pick up Maria's bags. We were nodding off on the bus, we were so tired! I think I have met all of the participants in the program (17 total) and they are all really nice! A bunch of us went out to dinner (with wine!) and then the whole group went and got gelato after. Delicious! I had "fragola" (strawberry)! Right now, I am sitting in bed, Maria is sleeping, and I have blisters on my feet. It has been a long day, but a good one!
P.S. I'm trying to put up pictures, but it's taking forever, so I will try again later!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Clare--strange request for you: since you live in Bologna, will you go to my blog and tell me what you think of my Bolognese sauce? Thanks! ;-)
