29 August 2009

Day 6!

FLEAMARKET. That was the adventure of the day today. Maria, Erin, Julia, Alexandra, Meghan, and I all went back to the fleamarket that Maria and I found yesterday. It was so intense! We spent three hours there, but it seemed like so much longer! We picked up some things that we are going to need right when we move in, like towels--only 4 E for a set of 2! They have all kinds of cosmetics, perfume, shampoo, conditioner, etc, too, so I won't ever have to spend that much on household stuff/toiletries.
I had a lot of free time today again since both Maria and I have housing already. Nothing too exciting really happened.
Rodolfo, John, Alexandra, Meghan, Julia, Erin, Maria, and I all went out to dinner at Il Portico, which wasn't too adventureous, but it was raining, so we just wanted somewhere close! It was delicious though. I ate an entire pizza! I know that sounds crazy, but that's how it's done here. One pizza per person. They seem big, but are paper thin, so one Italian pizza probably equals about tree slices of what you guys know as pizza. We went for gelato after at Peccati di Gola (sins of the throat!). I had nocciola (hazelnut) and biscotto (cookie). DELICIOUS.
And now more free time. I'll be glad to start classes on Monday just so I have something to do!

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