29 August 2009

Day 5! (written the morning of day 6...)

Ciao a tutti! I got back to my room really late last night, so I didn't get time to blog. Yesterday was very fun though! We all had to get up early and walk to the post office to file our applications for the living permits we need in order to be legal here. It took forever!
Other than that, Maria and I had a lot of free time. We walked around a lot, and Maria had an appointment for an apartment at 3:30. She now has an apartment too!! It is so cute and sunny, and I actually really like it too, but it's too far out of the centro (downtown) for me. The one roommate we met was really nice too. I'm really excited for everyone who is finding apartments and making friends with their Italian roommates. We are all going to have such a good year!
We also wandered around and stumbled into the BIGGEST flea market I have ever seen. I love love love to shop and even I was overwhelmed by how much stuff there was! We are going back today:) so I'll try to remember to take some pictures. Seriously though, the size of this thing is incomprehensible! Shoes, jeans, clothes, jewelry, purses, belts, everything you could possibly think of all for really cheap! It just happens to be right around the corner from my apartment and it goes on every weekend YEAR ROUND!
Maria and I also wandered around and found a cartoleria (stationary store) to buy academic planners. It was so funny because we actually went to several shops trying to find an American style planner with one week per two pages, because that's the way we both like to see our calendars. But then when we did find one like that, it looked so BORING next to the Italian style planners, so we just got those instead. They are so different, one day per page, and the pages are graph paper. Most of the notebooks here are that way. Very Italian.
Andrea hosted a pizza party for all of us last night at his apartment. It was out of the city walls and really beautiful. I really enjoy all the time I get to spend with the people in the program! And Chris, Andrea's wife (who is American), is such a sweetheart and so helpful! She was telling us all about what clubs to go to, which supermarket is the cheapest, where to get our hair cut, stuff like that. All good things to know!
After the pizza party, Erin, Max, Rodolfo, and I went out to a discotech! It was really more like just a bar, and because it's still summer vacation here (in a "college town"), it was pretty dead. But we still had a good time. We befriended the bartender and the six Italians who were actually there. It was a very good night, my first night out in Bologna! That is why I didn't have time to blog last night!
More pix later...

P.S. A lot of you have been emailing/facebooking me, and I love it! You can also leave comments here on my blog, I would love that too. It's always so good to hear from everyone, I really appreciate it!

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