29 September 2009

Day 37!

Agian, sorry for the delay. I just had finals for my presession class yesterday, so I have been busy studying for those, although apparently not enough because the culture section of the test was SO HARD! So a lot has happened since the 23rd when I wrote last.
On the 24th, Anne and I went on an underground tour of Bologna! It was so cool and a little creepy. Definitely check out the pix. We learned a lot about Bologna, like one quarter of the city used to be on water like Venice! But the canals were too dangerous, and too many people kept drowning so they closed them up. Bologna's only natural waterway is underground, we walked along it the whole tour. It really wasn't that impressive, but I guess when there's a lot of rain, it gets kind of dangerous.
Then Friday we had our last class and had to give our final presentations. I was so sad, because I am really going to miss our teacher Clara! Later that night, we all went out for Michelle's birthday to this cool little osteria. It was really fun, she got a cake and everyone sang to her. There was this guy singing American songs there, too, so we were all singing along of course. It was a fun night.
Saturday we all went to Urbino for our culture class. Urbino is so pretty! The views were spectacular, check out the pix. We walked around the Palazzo Ducale for the whole morning, then had the usual fantastic lunch :), then went to this park wayyy up on a hill, where I got the most of my pix. We also saw Raphael's house where he was born and grew up, but we weren't really allowed to take pix, sorry! It was a really beautiful day in a beautiful place with beautiful people. There was a very spirited conversation between Dr. Ricci (the director), Prof. Benevolo (our culture teacher), and Clara. Best half hour of my life! Italians are sooo funny! :)
Sunday was spent studying for the exams. Definitely not exciting:(
Monday we had exams, which I would really rather not talk about any more... Then Anne and I went and had Chinese food for lunch. Italian Chinese is so good!! We pretty much spent the whole day together just relaxing and trying to do things that didn't require any brain power whatsoever (like watch the Office and Freaks and Geeks).
Today, I have just been lazing about my apartment. Flavia just left for class. She's such a sweetie! Last night when I got home she told me she would teach me how to cook! Yay! I think I am going to go to an aperitivo with some Italian students in a little bit, so that should be fun. I'm still in my pjs, so I need to go get ready for that! Ciao!!

25 September 2009


New pix. Will write later today!

23 September 2009

Day 31! I have a roommate!

Ciaooo! This week has been pretty slow. I've just been going to class, doing homework, laying out on my terrace, and walking around Bologna. Nothing too crazy or exciting until this evening when my roommate, Flavia, finally arrived! She is from Marche, the region just below Emiglia-Romagna on the Adriatic Coast. She is 20 years old and studies philosophy. She is so nice and easy to talk to! Erin, Maria, Allegra, Alex, Flavia, and I all went to an aperitivo tonight. We spoke in Italian the whole time because Flavia came with us, which was really good for us. It was hard though, too, and my brain is so tired now! I know I am going to be speaking so much more Italian now that I have a roommate, so hopefully I will improve quickly! I need to go now and work on my presentation that is due on Friday. The outline is due tomorrow though. Sorry for the short post!

20 September 2009

Day 28!

It's so hard to believe I've only been here for 28 days. Less than a month! So much has happened, it's a little crazy.
Our "gastronomical tour" on Thursday went well. We all met in the Piazza Maggiore and then walked around that area getting a little history of that part of the city. We stopped in a pasticceria and learned about/sampled some different kinds of breads, cakes, and pastas. It was interesting, as well as delicious! We then moved on, finally ending up at Tamburini, a restaurant that we have all eaten at already--it's so good! There we had red wine, bread, six different types of coldcuts, and parmigiano reggiano. After the tour, Anne and I wandered around the city looking for rain boots. We found some inexpensive ones at Upim, a department store. Maria had me over for dinner that night. We made this really delicious casserole type dish with rice, chicken, prosciutto, tomato sauce, garlic, onions, basil, and brie and mozzarella cheeses melted on top. We can actually make a tasty meal! Later that night, we met up with everyone in Piazza Maggiore. We were planning on going to this little osteria where you just buy wine but can bring in your own food, but it was closed by the time we found it. So instead we just got gelato (of course!) and sat in the Piazza. It was a really beautiful night!
Friday we had class in the morning. It was actually sunny again, not raining! So of course I laid out on my terrace after class. I'm afraid I won't have many more days nice enough to do that. Then in the afternoon, we all had to go out to the immigration office and file our requests for our living permits. I hate bureaucracy! We were at the office for at least two hours, wasting a beautiful day. Oh well. Friday night, everyone came over to my place again, then we went out to the Celtic Druid, then Irish, both Irish pubs haha. It was a good night, although pretty relaxed.
Saturday morning we all had to be at the medieval museum at 10:30 for another culture lesson. It was pretty interesting, and thankfully not too early! Right after it was over at 12, Erin, Rodolfo, Allegra, and I left for Florence! The train ride there was only about an hour long. We spent all day there walking around and seeing the sights. We saw Santa Maria Novella, the Duomo, the Uffizi, some leather markets, the Ponte Vecchio, the Palazzo Pitti, and the Giardino di Boboli. Florence is a beautiful city, but I am glad I'm studying in Bologna instead. Florence is soooo touristy! We literally saw more Americans than Italians there. Michelle met up with us after the Giardino and we got gelato and walked around some more. We had a really nice dinner together. I forgot to take pix of my food, so sorry! But it was delicious. I had spaghetti with seafood and mushrooms in a cream sauce, and I had panna cotta with chocolate for dessert. We walked around some more, killing time till the nightlife started. We walked by the Uffizi again, and there was this guy, Ken Mercer, playing music to a crowd of people. He was really good, so we sat and listened to him. He was playing covers of Simon and Garfunkle, U2, things like that. It was so perfect to sit there in the twilight in Florence and listen to beautiful music. I even bought his CD at the end of his set. After that, we met up with some friends of Erin's who are studying in Florence. We all went to the opening of this club called Space. Which was interesting. None of us really got into it or partied because we were all too disgusted by the behavior of our fellow Americans. We have been here less than a month, and we are already such Eurosnobs! But seriously, Americans are gross. No offense to any of you! It was just so easy to see why the rest of the world hates us so much. Americans are rude, self-important, and obnoxious, and they drink way too much. This club was almost entirely Americans. Another reason I am glad I'm in Bologna. We actually get to experience the real Italian nightlife here, instead of the American nightlife transplanted to Italy. We stayed at Space until about 2 am, then headed toward the trainstation. Our train for Bologna didn't leave until 4:30, so we hung out at McDonalds (the only place that was open) for a couple hours. The train ride back was the looongest hour and a half of my life! But we finally made it back home at around 6 this morning. Everyone promptly parted ways for home and bed! The only reason I am awake right now is because I haven't written my composition for tomorrow yet! Then I'll probably go right back to bed! It was a crazy, whirlwind day/night in Florence! It was a great experience, and I'm so glad we did it, although it certainly took a toll on everyone. Well, you only live once!

ps. more pix & a new album!

17 September 2009

Day 25!

Buon giorno! Sorry I haven't updated in a few days! I don't really know where my time goes here. We really have a lot of free time, but somehow I feel like I never get anything done. Maybe we have too much free time? I think that's possible...
So Saturday we went to Ravenna, a city in Emilia Romagna on the Adriatic coast. It is famous for its mosaics. We spent most of the day walking around the city, going from one historical site to another. It's a really nice little city. I love Bologna, but Ravenna is so much quieter and more peaceful. We went to the Battistero degli Ariani first. The focal point there was the mosaic in the middle of the ceiling of John the Baptist baptizing Jesus in the Jordan River. The old man on the left is a personification of the river, which I thought was kind of cool. Around the centerpiece are the twelve apostles and a throne for Christ.
Then we went to Sant'Appolinare Nuovo. These mosaics spanned the entire length of the church and were absolutely incredible. At the front of the church, Mary and baby Jesus are one one side with the three wisemen. On the other is Jesus and four archangels. At the back there is a scene with the city and a ship on one side and a palace on the other side. Then in between I think they are all saints or something. Anyway very cool. The three wisemen were my favorite part because they are wearing animal print leggings...
Up next was the Battistero Neoniano. The mosaic in the ceiling here was the same theme as the first one, Jesus being baptized by John the Baptist with the twelve apostles. This mosaic was much more realistic than the other one with a lot more detail. The whole building was more elaborate and the inside was simply covered in mosaics. It was really beautiful.
Next we stopped by Dante's tomb, which was cool, but not nearly as exciting as the mosaics! Really not much to say about it. We couldn't even go in, just looked from the outside. It was pretty simple.
Next up was everyone's favorite part of the day: LUNCH. We always know we will eat well when BCSP provides the food. We went to this great restaurant that had really cool architecture. We ate in what appeared to be an old converted courtyard. It felt like we were still outside because the cieling was just frosted glass. The meal was wonderful: first course was pasta filled with cheese and a delicious meat sauce; second course was a variety of delicous vegetables, warm bread, several different coldcuts including prosciutto and mortadella, and this awesome soft cheese; desert was macedonia (fresh fruit salad); and then there was caffe! So delicious!
After everyone was sufficiently stuffed, we headed for the Basilica di San Vitale. It's this amazing two-story church that is absolutely covered with mosaics. It was my favorite place because the colors were so brilliant. I'm still upset that my camera wasn't good enough to really capture the beauty there. Features there include the "Rainbow Jesus," a scene with Abraham, and I think emperor Justinian and empress Theodora.
We then went to the Mausoleo di Galla Placidia. I didn't post any pictures from there because it was way too dark to get any good ones. It was relatively boring though, having just witnessed the glory of the Basilica di San Vitale.
After that we just had free time for the rest of the day until our train left at 5:30. Sky, Maria, Erin, Alex, Anne, Allegra, and I walked around and did some window shopping/real shopping. Sky and I found a little candy stand (really Erin's nose found it) and we bought fresh marzipan. Which is almond-flavored heaven in the shape of different fruits. Wonderful.
So that was Ravenna! We all went out Saturday night, and then spent all of Sunday doing homework.
Monday was very rainy, and we had class. I went grocery shopping, not a super exciting day. My roommate was supposed to move in on Tuesday, but she STILL isn't here. I don't really understand what's going on with that. We had class and a meeting with one of the university professors on Tuesday, too. He teaches Contemporary Italian Literature, which I think is the class I'm going to take this semester. It was another gross, rainy day. That evening, we girls went over to Allegra's apartment to celebrate her finally moving in! We made hamburgers and salad. It was delicious! We went out after that, but Anne and I weren't really feeling it, so we got crepes (nutella and mascarpone for me!) and just had some girl talk. She's great! She studied abroad in Italy for her senior year of high school, so she has the scoop on how to survive/thrive in this kind of situation. She has a lot of advice and wisdom that will definitely come in handy this year. Yesterday she and I went out to lunch before our culture class. After class we all had to go the the Sala Borsa (the public library) to get our library cards. It is so beautiful there! I don't know if I will be able to study there because I'll be too distracted!
Today instead of class, we have a "gastronomical tour" of Bologna, in the words of Prof. Ricci. I'm not quite sure what that means, but it sounds good! I will, of course, let you know how it goes!

P.S. new pixxx

15 September 2009


More pix. And a whole new album. I will write later, promise!

11 September 2009

Day 19!

Tuesday night everyone came over to my place, and then we went out to Vicolo Bolognetti from here, then to Coroto Maltese. There were more people out this time at both places, so it was a lot more fun. We actually danced this time!
Wednesday we didn't have class in the morning, but we had our first cultural class in the afternoon. This one was on Ravenna, where we are going tomorrow. It was pretty interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing the mosaics tomorrow. Most of the day on Wednesday I just spent at home doing homework and decorating my room some more.
Thursday I got up at 7 to go for a run! I went down to the Giardina Margherita on the south side of town. It was nice, but my body hates me for it right now! After class, a bunch of the girls and I went out for lunch. Then later in the afternoon we all took the bus wayyy out to one of the several "malls" in the outskirts of Bologna. It was called Meriville and was basically a glorified strip mall. It was nice though. I went to the sporting goods store and got weights so I can work out without joining a gym! We had dinner at a Mexican restaurant there haha! It was fun.
I got up and ran again this morning, had class, and now I'm waiting for 1:30 to go have my academic meeting with Prof. Ricci.
We go to Ravenna tomorrow, so I will be sure to take a lot of pictures there!

08 September 2009

Day 16!

Maria, Erin, Alex, Rodolfo, and I went to Milano Marittima on Sunday to spend the day on the beach. We took the train at 10 and got there about 11:30. The ride went by quickly, and the views were wonderful! Be sure to check out the pix because I took a lot from the train. We had a hard time finding a free spot on the beach once we got there. Most of the beaches are "owned" by certain hotels or businesses I guess, I don't really know what to call them. Anyway, what they do is set up tons of beach chairs and umbrellas that you can rent for the day. We tried to just pretend like we had already paid but ended up getting kicked out of a couple different places. We finally found a spot of sand where we could just lay our towels out for free! The weather was perfect and the water was warm. The waves were so strong!! We spent the whole day just laying in the sun and took the 7:15 train back to Bologna. It was a very good day, indeed!
Yesterday we had class in the morning. I laid out on my terrace in the afternoon :) and did my homework. Later I just kind of wandered around my area of town on my own. I had some errands to run, like I had to get an adapter for my electrical outlets, but it was nice to just explore my area a bit. After that I just worked on getting my room more settled. All I really have left is to decorate it, and I promise I'll take pictures after that!
Today we had class again in the morning. I laid out again and worked on homework. I really love love love my terrace! It's nice here now because it's still sunny and warm, but it's not sweltering like it was the first week and a half. This afternoon we had a general academic meeting at the BCSP office. Professor Ricci talked to us for two hours about academics here! We had to sign up for individual meetings to discuss with him what classes we will take this semester. My meeting is on Friday.
Allegra's birthday is on Thursday, but we have presentations due the next day, so we have decided to just celebrate a little every day this week. And we don't have class tomorrow morning, so we will probably go out tonight. So now I'm back home about to clean my room becuase I think everyone is meeting at my place to hang out for a while before we go out. People don't go out here until like 1 in the morning! I might take a nap first...

05 September 2009

Day 13!

Yesterday we finished up our first week of class. It was a really good lesson, and I feel like I am learning a lot from the class in general. And my teacher, Clara, is absolutely wonderful! We had a lot of homework, but we went over all of it really well, so it's not just busywork which is good.
After class, a few of us went to the market again. It got even bigger than it was before! I didn't think that was possible, but it happened nevertheless.
Later in the afternoon, Maria, Rodolfo, Erin, Anne, and I made the journey to IKEA and back. Having never been to an IKEA before, I had no idea what to expect. What I witnessed when we got there was certainly beyond my wildest dreams!!! I'm just going to go ahead and say that IKEA is a gift from God, the Swedes were only the vessle through which it was delivered. We spent most of the afternoon there. I got a bunch of stuff that I needed for my room, like a dresser (my "closet" here is not quite what I was used to). It was quite an adventure getting my bag of stuff AND the dresser (in pieces all boxed up, of course) back to my apartment, but I eventually made it. Thank God I worked my upper body so much this summer, otherwise I don't think I could have handled carrying it from IKEA to the shuttle, across a piazza to a taxi, into my apartment building, up five flights of stairs (I carried it on my head for this leg of the journey), and down the hall to my room! I started putting the dresser together, but then realized I didn't have a screwdriver. I ran down to the 99 centesimi store across the street from my apartment today and bought one, and I just finished making the dresser. I will feel so much better once I get my stuff put away and my room decorated. I will post pictures of my place after that.
Last night a bunch of us went over to Erin's to hang out. Gabriele, one of our Italian friends, joined us. We went out later, but once again had really bad luck with the clubs. We ended up at the Celtic Druid, an Irish pub on Via Zamboni. It was pretty chill, but not the night of dancing we had anticipated!
Today I slept in for the first time! I have just taken the day to do things around the apartment. I made my dresser and did laundry and homework. I just got back from l'aperitivo with Erin, Alex, and Rodolfo. We went to Caffe' Zamboni, which is known for it's l'aperitivo. Now I am back at the apartment, trying to decide if I want to write my composition for Monday now or later. Probably later. But we are going to the beach tomorrow, so I should do it now.


I had to start another album!

03 September 2009

Day 11! Sorry for the delay!

Ciaoooo! Wow it has been quite a week. I'm so sorry I haven't updated since Monday. The move to my apartment went well, but I am still working on getting settled in. What with that and classes this week, things have just been super busy so I haven't had the time or energy to write. I also couldn't figure out the internet at my apartment at first, and I also am having issues with the outlets here. So many things involved in settling in! I will do my best now to fill you in on what's happened this week.
Ok, so after class on Tuesday, Maria, Rodlofo, and Erin graciously helped me lug my bags up five flights of stairs to my new apartment. We just dropped my stuff off and then left because it was way too hot and overwhelming to even think about unpacking!
We had a meeting at the BCSP office and then l'aperitivo (like coffee and conversation). I think we have that every Tuesday with Italian students. It will be an excellent way to meet people. I actually met a boy, Gabriele, there on Tuesday who studied at IU last year. I had met him once last semester through the overseas office, but it was so good to run into him again! He and his friend Andrea are super nice and really fun.
After l'aperitivo Maria and I helped Rodolfo move into his apartment. He lives just outside of the city walls. It's a really really nice place, just too far away for me!
On our way back from that, Rodolfo and I stopped and bought a couple bottles of wine. The man in the shop was absolutely crazy and reminded me of and Italian Christopher Lloyd in Back to the Future. But he was very nice and suggested some good wine for us. We headed back to my place (MY PLACE!!) and invited a few people over to share our wine. Erin, Alex, and Max came over, and then Andrea and Gabriele joined us later. It was really nice to have eveyone over to my apartment. Elena (one of my roommates) joined us for a little bit too.
We then decided to go out on the town! Gabriele and Andrea took us down to a place in Giardini Margherita, but it was still closed for the summer when we got there, so we went all the way back up to an outdoor club called Vicolo Bolognetti. It was nice, but not very crowded still. I can't wait for all the students to get back in town! Still, it was a good night, especially nice to sleep in a bed of my very own! Gabriele and Andrea have both studied in the United States, so they are really fun to talk to. They were telling us all kind of slang words and things that young people should know but that we won't learn in class!
As for Wednesday, we had the day off for morning class because we had two very long (very boring) meetings at the BCSP office in the afternoon. Maria and I used the morning to go grocery shopping since we now are responsible for our own nourishment! We went to Pam, which is the big grocery store in the city center. It was so fun! It was so cool to see how some things were the same and some were so different. For example, I recognized a lot of brand names, especially of hair products and stuff like that. Some things are SO different though--we saw a lady just hacking away at this huge fish that was easily five feet long and at least a foot and a half in diameter. I was proud of us when we figured out how to weigh our produce. Then I realized there was a huge sign above every scale that told you what to do. Oh well! This time around I just got prosciutto already cooked, some cheeses, yogurt, cereal, fruit, veggies. Nothing I have to cook since that makes me nervous. Cooking is something I want to learn how to do here, but that is another project for another time! I figure that can wait until I at least have my clothes put away...
After the meetings, we had some errands to run. We got school supplies and looked at a poster shop. I like the notebooks and folders here. It's so interesting to see the little details that are so different here.
We had dinner at Maria's place that night. Her roommates are all out of town right now, so it was just her, Rodolfo, Erin, Alex, and me. Maria provided the pasta and sauce, Rodolfo and I got salad and caprese fixings, and Erin brought some white wine. It was so fun to try our hand at cooking (well I actually just took pictures of everyone else cooking). We had an indoor picnic in Maria's room because the kitchen was a little too small for us! We are thinking we are going to make it a tradition to go to someone else's place every Wednesday for dinner. I'm looking forward to it!
Today (Thursday) I got up and went to a little market off the Piazza Maggiore to buy some plants. I got two cacti--Fabio has soft hair-like needles, and Donnatella has prickly ones and little pink flowers. They make a really cute couple!
We then had class, during which we watched a movie, and then after stopping at Paninoteca (maybe my favorite bar) for lunch, we moved Erin into her place. It was just Erin, Alex, and I lugging Erin's crazy heavy bags up I don't even know how many flights of stairs! But we made it, and it was so worth the heavy lifting. Her apartment is also outside the walls, but is really great. Her roommate is really fun too!
We headed back into town afterward, stopping for caffe on the way. I have already developed a mad coffee habit, but it's just so good here! We did a little shopping, and then parted ways. I went to buy a power strip, which doesn't actually fit my outlets:(, and then headed back to my place. I then proceeded to take the best nap ever!
Alex and Michelle came over after to work on the LOADS of homework we have for tomorrow. Speaking of which, I need to get back to finishing that up...
But I just wanted to bring everyone up to date! Ciao for now!

01 September 2009

Day 8!

It is impossible to believe that I have only been here a week! Every day has been so long and busy, I feel like I have been here at least a month.
Today was our first day of classes. Maria, Erin, and I went on a little adventure this morning to try to find a bookstore that still had copies of our textbook available, but everyone is sold out. Apparently one store is getting more in tomorrow, so we will try again then.
Class was from 10-12:30. I am definitely in the less advanced group, but that is fine with me! Our teacher's name is Clara! She is so nice and easy to talk to. Our lesson today was just like a long group conversation, telling about ourselves, discussing the idea of "art," etc. I feel like my conversational skills (while still very basic) are definitely improving already!
After class I walked over to my apartment to pay the rent for September and to get the keys. I met Giuseppe's girlfriend, and she was really nice. I think they have yet to find another girl for the other spot in the double, but hopefully they'll find someone soon. I move in tomorrow! I am excited to get settled in and to not be in a hotel/living out of suitcases anymore, but I am also nervous to be with only native Italians!
Rodolfo and I helped Maria move in today. We hung out at her apartment for most of the afternoon. Her roommate Serena is so nice!
Rodolfo and I left Maria there and went to l'aperitivo with Alex, Erin, Allegra, and Anne at a little cafe right down the street from the hotel. It was good, but not as expensive as a real meal.
Serena had invited Maria to go out with her and her friends for her friend Ariana's 21st birthday tonight, and Maria texted me while we were eating to say that we were welcome to come, too. So we did, and it was really fun! We met three of Serena's friends, who were all really funny and friendly. We went out to a pizzeria and just talked for a really long time. I really tried to push myself when it came to contributing to the conversation. I know I sounded really dumb sometimes, but it was really good for me for the most part. It was good to actually go out with Italian students.
Now I have homework to do for class tomorrow, and Maria's not here to do it with me:(