29 September 2009

Day 37!

Agian, sorry for the delay. I just had finals for my presession class yesterday, so I have been busy studying for those, although apparently not enough because the culture section of the test was SO HARD! So a lot has happened since the 23rd when I wrote last.
On the 24th, Anne and I went on an underground tour of Bologna! It was so cool and a little creepy. Definitely check out the pix. We learned a lot about Bologna, like one quarter of the city used to be on water like Venice! But the canals were too dangerous, and too many people kept drowning so they closed them up. Bologna's only natural waterway is underground, we walked along it the whole tour. It really wasn't that impressive, but I guess when there's a lot of rain, it gets kind of dangerous.
Then Friday we had our last class and had to give our final presentations. I was so sad, because I am really going to miss our teacher Clara! Later that night, we all went out for Michelle's birthday to this cool little osteria. It was really fun, she got a cake and everyone sang to her. There was this guy singing American songs there, too, so we were all singing along of course. It was a fun night.
Saturday we all went to Urbino for our culture class. Urbino is so pretty! The views were spectacular, check out the pix. We walked around the Palazzo Ducale for the whole morning, then had the usual fantastic lunch :), then went to this park wayyy up on a hill, where I got the most of my pix. We also saw Raphael's house where he was born and grew up, but we weren't really allowed to take pix, sorry! It was a really beautiful day in a beautiful place with beautiful people. There was a very spirited conversation between Dr. Ricci (the director), Prof. Benevolo (our culture teacher), and Clara. Best half hour of my life! Italians are sooo funny! :)
Sunday was spent studying for the exams. Definitely not exciting:(
Monday we had exams, which I would really rather not talk about any more... Then Anne and I went and had Chinese food for lunch. Italian Chinese is so good!! We pretty much spent the whole day together just relaxing and trying to do things that didn't require any brain power whatsoever (like watch the Office and Freaks and Geeks).
Today, I have just been lazing about my apartment. Flavia just left for class. She's such a sweetie! Last night when I got home she told me she would teach me how to cook! Yay! I think I am going to go to an aperitivo with some Italian students in a little bit, so that should be fun. I'm still in my pjs, so I need to go get ready for that! Ciao!!

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