01 September 2009

Day 8!

It is impossible to believe that I have only been here a week! Every day has been so long and busy, I feel like I have been here at least a month.
Today was our first day of classes. Maria, Erin, and I went on a little adventure this morning to try to find a bookstore that still had copies of our textbook available, but everyone is sold out. Apparently one store is getting more in tomorrow, so we will try again then.
Class was from 10-12:30. I am definitely in the less advanced group, but that is fine with me! Our teacher's name is Clara! She is so nice and easy to talk to. Our lesson today was just like a long group conversation, telling about ourselves, discussing the idea of "art," etc. I feel like my conversational skills (while still very basic) are definitely improving already!
After class I walked over to my apartment to pay the rent for September and to get the keys. I met Giuseppe's girlfriend, and she was really nice. I think they have yet to find another girl for the other spot in the double, but hopefully they'll find someone soon. I move in tomorrow! I am excited to get settled in and to not be in a hotel/living out of suitcases anymore, but I am also nervous to be with only native Italians!
Rodolfo and I helped Maria move in today. We hung out at her apartment for most of the afternoon. Her roommate Serena is so nice!
Rodolfo and I left Maria there and went to l'aperitivo with Alex, Erin, Allegra, and Anne at a little cafe right down the street from the hotel. It was good, but not as expensive as a real meal.
Serena had invited Maria to go out with her and her friends for her friend Ariana's 21st birthday tonight, and Maria texted me while we were eating to say that we were welcome to come, too. So we did, and it was really fun! We met three of Serena's friends, who were all really funny and friendly. We went out to a pizzeria and just talked for a really long time. I really tried to push myself when it came to contributing to the conversation. I know I sounded really dumb sometimes, but it was really good for me for the most part. It was good to actually go out with Italian students.
Now I have homework to do for class tomorrow, and Maria's not here to do it with me:(


  1. Clare,

    I think you might have to tell the masses to join as followers and leave you comments. Use the power of the (Italian) pulpit. Was good to talk to you on Sunday. I will see if the boys will load skype.
    JMR as FB

  2. Clare,
    I love reading about your adventures. I hope class goes well for you. Looking forward to hearing how the move to your new apartment goes! Love, Mom

  3. Good luck with the move to your apartment!
