08 September 2009

Day 16!

Maria, Erin, Alex, Rodolfo, and I went to Milano Marittima on Sunday to spend the day on the beach. We took the train at 10 and got there about 11:30. The ride went by quickly, and the views were wonderful! Be sure to check out the pix because I took a lot from the train. We had a hard time finding a free spot on the beach once we got there. Most of the beaches are "owned" by certain hotels or businesses I guess, I don't really know what to call them. Anyway, what they do is set up tons of beach chairs and umbrellas that you can rent for the day. We tried to just pretend like we had already paid but ended up getting kicked out of a couple different places. We finally found a spot of sand where we could just lay our towels out for free! The weather was perfect and the water was warm. The waves were so strong!! We spent the whole day just laying in the sun and took the 7:15 train back to Bologna. It was a very good day, indeed!
Yesterday we had class in the morning. I laid out on my terrace in the afternoon :) and did my homework. Later I just kind of wandered around my area of town on my own. I had some errands to run, like I had to get an adapter for my electrical outlets, but it was nice to just explore my area a bit. After that I just worked on getting my room more settled. All I really have left is to decorate it, and I promise I'll take pictures after that!
Today we had class again in the morning. I laid out again and worked on homework. I really love love love my terrace! It's nice here now because it's still sunny and warm, but it's not sweltering like it was the first week and a half. This afternoon we had a general academic meeting at the BCSP office. Professor Ricci talked to us for two hours about academics here! We had to sign up for individual meetings to discuss with him what classes we will take this semester. My meeting is on Friday.
Allegra's birthday is on Thursday, but we have presentations due the next day, so we have decided to just celebrate a little every day this week. And we don't have class tomorrow morning, so we will probably go out tonight. So now I'm back home about to clean my room becuase I think everyone is meeting at my place to hang out for a while before we go out. People don't go out here until like 1 in the morning! I might take a nap first...

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see pictures of your apartment!!

