05 September 2009

Day 13!

Yesterday we finished up our first week of class. It was a really good lesson, and I feel like I am learning a lot from the class in general. And my teacher, Clara, is absolutely wonderful! We had a lot of homework, but we went over all of it really well, so it's not just busywork which is good.
After class, a few of us went to the market again. It got even bigger than it was before! I didn't think that was possible, but it happened nevertheless.
Later in the afternoon, Maria, Rodolfo, Erin, Anne, and I made the journey to IKEA and back. Having never been to an IKEA before, I had no idea what to expect. What I witnessed when we got there was certainly beyond my wildest dreams!!! I'm just going to go ahead and say that IKEA is a gift from God, the Swedes were only the vessle through which it was delivered. We spent most of the afternoon there. I got a bunch of stuff that I needed for my room, like a dresser (my "closet" here is not quite what I was used to). It was quite an adventure getting my bag of stuff AND the dresser (in pieces all boxed up, of course) back to my apartment, but I eventually made it. Thank God I worked my upper body so much this summer, otherwise I don't think I could have handled carrying it from IKEA to the shuttle, across a piazza to a taxi, into my apartment building, up five flights of stairs (I carried it on my head for this leg of the journey), and down the hall to my room! I started putting the dresser together, but then realized I didn't have a screwdriver. I ran down to the 99 centesimi store across the street from my apartment today and bought one, and I just finished making the dresser. I will feel so much better once I get my stuff put away and my room decorated. I will post pictures of my place after that.
Last night a bunch of us went over to Erin's to hang out. Gabriele, one of our Italian friends, joined us. We went out later, but once again had really bad luck with the clubs. We ended up at the Celtic Druid, an Irish pub on Via Zamboni. It was pretty chill, but not the night of dancing we had anticipated!
Today I slept in for the first time! I have just taken the day to do things around the apartment. I made my dresser and did laundry and homework. I just got back from l'aperitivo with Erin, Alex, and Rodolfo. We went to Caffe' Zamboni, which is known for it's l'aperitivo. Now I am back at the apartment, trying to decide if I want to write my composition for Monday now or later. Probably later. But we are going to the beach tomorrow, so I should do it now.

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying your blog. Looking forward to hearing about the trip to the beach!
