11 September 2009

Day 19!

Tuesday night everyone came over to my place, and then we went out to Vicolo Bolognetti from here, then to Coroto Maltese. There were more people out this time at both places, so it was a lot more fun. We actually danced this time!
Wednesday we didn't have class in the morning, but we had our first cultural class in the afternoon. This one was on Ravenna, where we are going tomorrow. It was pretty interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing the mosaics tomorrow. Most of the day on Wednesday I just spent at home doing homework and decorating my room some more.
Thursday I got up at 7 to go for a run! I went down to the Giardina Margherita on the south side of town. It was nice, but my body hates me for it right now! After class, a bunch of the girls and I went out for lunch. Then later in the afternoon we all took the bus wayyy out to one of the several "malls" in the outskirts of Bologna. It was called Meriville and was basically a glorified strip mall. It was nice though. I went to the sporting goods store and got weights so I can work out without joining a gym! We had dinner at a Mexican restaurant there haha! It was fun.
I got up and ran again this morning, had class, and now I'm waiting for 1:30 to go have my academic meeting with Prof. Ricci.
We go to Ravenna tomorrow, so I will be sure to take a lot of pictures there!

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